I've worked in healthcare for 33+ years. But before that I was a music teacher. But to get there I had to get thru student teaching. I went to a Catholic college so my student teaching was supervised by two older nuns.
They were mean to me.
But I digress.
Despite her meanness the older of the two nuns gave us one piece of really good compassionate advice. Yes, the old lady really had a heart. I think that realization stunned me as much as her advice.
I can't remember her name. I've blocked it out due to the emotional trauma she caused me. But I've never forgotten her advice. It's gotten me thru many difficult situations.
So, here it is:
When you stand before an unruly class or have to deal with someone unpleasant look at them and think to yourself, I love you.
I love you.
It changes your heart. It really does.
So on this day before Thanksgiving I pass along the mean, but compassionate, nuns advice. Give it a try. It'll change your life.