Wednesday, April 15, 2009

An Amazing Life

Thought I'd tell you about a product today. It's what is called a functional beverage (i.e. a health beverage). It's not a part of the Shrink It Weight Loss System, (but I think it should be). Take a look at the functional beverage Limu Plus. Here's two audios about it: Part one and Part two . They talk about fucoidan on the audios. Go to and search "fucoidan". You'll find over 700 studies. You'll quite possibly thank me for telling you to go search "fucoidan". A minute of your time could change your life. Awesome, huh! This could quite possibly be the best tip anyone will ever give you. I drink Limu Plus every day. (hint, hint.)
The hospitals are filled with folks suffering lifestyle diseases. Ills which could have been prevented. Think about this. THINK. Do you realize the World Health Organization (WHO) states 70% of Cancer is preventable with healthy nutrition? Did you know an optimally working immune system stops cancer in it's tracks everyday? So how well are you taking care of yourself! If that knowledge doesn't motivate you to eat healthy nothing will. (Again, go search "fucoidan"). They also say 70% of all disease starts with a deficiency of antioxidants. NUTRITION! Red, yellow, green, orange, white veggies and fruits! Fill your plate with color to support your wellness!

It's a sad thing to see a preventable illness take away the choices in a persons life or even take their life. No one needs to suffer a lifestyle disease; unless you make poor eating and exercise choices. Resolve today to make your lifestyle (I like to call it your "healthstyle") work FOR you instead of AGAINST you.
Life is terrific... get all the goodness out of it you can! What an amazing gift life is! I have a hard time putting into words what it was like to be sick for 17 years and then find myself in remission. How blessed I have been! I struggle to impart what a joy life is to everyone I meet. But there aren't words expressive enough to explain how differently I experience life in remission. It's 110% awesome and that is an understatement! I'll say this you have not seen the true beauty of a rose (or any flower) until your life has been threatened. The beauty I see is beyond description. What a gift life is!
You know my work as a holistic health coach isn't just about healthy eating and exercise encouragement. It's about the whole you! I want you to have your BEST life! Your best life starts with being mindful of giving yourself health-enriching nutrition and moving your muscles. There's no getting around it. Yet people will say "I don't have time". Do you have time for illness? Illness doesn't give you a choice in how you spend your time.

Think of it this way (and yes you've read these words from me before). If you were diagnosed with a life threatening disease you would do everything you could to get well. You'd seek out nutrition advice and eat healthier. You'd seek out exercise advice and (if you were able) you'd exercise. Cos you don't want your life to change; you don't want to have to depend on anyone else and want to be able to provide for yourself and family. Oh and you don't want to die before your time. Don't you agree?

And if you think about it I'd guess you'd agree (wouldn't you?) most of us live such a fast-paced life we often don't take time to ponder how much we love our life or ourselves; until we get sick and are forced too. Consider taking proactive care of yourself? The western medical system is so tuned into reactivity. It's much easier to stay well then to get well. Our reactivity mindset fuels the problems with our healthcare system. We MUST reframe our outlook on wellness. Love yourself NOW! You are special and unique! Your smile lights up the world around you! You Rock! Make your healthstyle work FOR you instead of AGAINST you and have your BEST life.

Need help with your healthstyle? Subscribe to my Empowering Wellness newsletter at

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